Monday 26 October 2015

Swimming with the Gentle Giants! Whale Shark!

Hi there lovelies!

Some if not all of us have our bucket list.

Mine includes skyjumping, visiting Israel and having a deep in the dead sea, climbing famous mountains, diving, and a lot lot more.

and one of the first on my list was swimming with the Butanding (Whale Shark)

Here are a few things you'd need to know about this magnificent creatures.

  • they are slow moving and the largest fish species extant.
  • whale shark have large mouths and filter feeder
  • It's against the law to touch them so we must maintain a distance of 4 feet however by chance that the shark swim towards you - one must relax and not panic to ensure the safety of the swimmer and the fish.

We travel to Oslob, Cebu to swim with these majestic creatures of the sea...

The cost of the boat and snorkeling gear depends if your a local, a Filipino or a foreigner.

The sharks normally can be seen early morning so Its advisable to come before 12 noon.

I was so excited finally one of my dreams is coming true! so when we rode the boat to the middle of the sea I was all giggling and couldn't contain my happiness..

When the bangkero (boatman) advised that we can jump in the water - well I was one of the first to put in my snorkeling gear and dive down, doing my best to make the littlest of splash as to not disturb the gentle giants.

When the time came that the fish came towards us a sudden fear, excite and happiness came through me - they were huge!

Well I wasn't prepared for that and my initial reaction is to back up..

but my fear disappeared and it was all excitement to see and really be fascinated on how big these fishes are and how lucky I am to have seen  and swim with them.

Enjoy my loves!

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